Club Meetings

WHEN: First Monday of month, second Monday if a holiday conflicts.

TIME: 6:45 PM – 8:45 PM

WHERE: Plymouth Public Library, 223 S. Main, Plymouth, MI 48170 (unless otherwise noted)

SEASON: September thru June

DUES: $30 per year; pay April or later, includes next season

MEETING PROCEEDURES: Stop at welcome table to pick-up name badge from green box (guests create name tag with large first name); pick-up handouts; guests sign visitor’s log; and when applicable add your name to participation log(s). Members entering one or two new pieces in the Popular Vote competition, place along walls with other entries. Meeting starts with a 20 minute business discussion; 10 minute member spotlight; 15 minute break for snacks brought by member volunteer, socialize and vote for your 3 favorite artworks; 60 minute program; announcement of popular vote winners, hear from artist about the piece and award of ribbons. Room must be clean and vacated by 8:45 PM; members return name badge to box on welcome table.

June 17, 2024 – Club picnic 6:00 pm until dark REGISTER NOW – CLICK HERE

July and August – Summer break

September 9, 2024 – Wendy Evans on The Color White in art

October 7, 2024 – Sharon Lee Dillenbeck Rokita on watercolor

November 4, 2024 – TBD

December 2, 2024 – TBD

PRESENTERS WANTED If there is a subject you would like to know more about, can recommend someone to present, or if you are willing to do a presentation, demonstration or conduct a workshop, please contact Marilyn Meredith by phone or text at 313.231.3939 or email [email protected].